Circle of Fellowship Newsletter

The First Universalist Society of Central Square

A Unitarian Universalist Congregation



Rev. Margaret Hart, Minister                            625-4485

Rev. Libbie Stoddard, Associate Minister        343-4352

Tim Hart, President                                          625-4485

Ronna Schindler, Religious Ed. Coordinator   623-7685

Rita Thornton, Organist & Choir Director         699-6961

Janie Garlow, Newsletter Editor                      436-2238


Our Church Building is Handicapped Accessible


P O Box 429                            Routes 49 West & 11

Central Square NY  13036              (315) 668-6821
























The mission of the First Universalist Society of Central Square is to be a welcoming, diverse congregation, which values spiritual growth and service to the local and world community.



Dear friends,

As I write this, we are about to kick off our stewardship campaign with a potluck lunch on May 6. This will be followed by our Annual Congregational Meeting on June 3, with an election and other church business.  Perhaps a potluck is an applicable image to represent the stewardship of our church... we are all in this together... whatever we bring to this community is what we will have to eat.  There is always more than enough great food at a potluck; even those who don't contribute something to a particular meal are welcome to attend.  And yet, if we all came empty-handed, there wouldn't be a meal. 

Our church is something like that.... there always seems to be plenty... of programming, activities, and so on.  And yet, I am aware that certain people are contributing a lot, serving on several committees, and engaging in all the activities...and getting a bit burned out....while others may find themselves sitting back.  I am also aware that we are looking for some key officers of the Board (including a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer) as well as an Administrative Assistant and an Archivist.  There are many opportunities to serve our church.  The recent Service and Merchandise Auction was a great way to highlight the various talents within the congregation. .. it really was impressive.  Mary Perkins conducted a survey to help get to know the members and friends of the congregation better, and Rita helped us play a "getting to know you" game during a recent coffee hour.  Each of has been blessed with a unique set of interests and talents, as well as with varying levels of treasure. 

As we approach our stewardship campaign and our Annual Congregaional Meeting, I hope we will all be generous with our time, talent, and treasure.  We can think about how much this
church community means to us, and consider in what ways we can contribute to its health and well-being.  If each of us thinks creatively, we can do great things. If asked to serve, please say "yes". But you don't have wait to be asked... you can consider your talents and offer them.


                                                                                                                                    With love, respect, and gratitude,
                                                                                                                                    Margaret Hart




The Rev. Libbie Stoddard will be retiring in July 2007, but we sincerely hope to have continued contact with her.  May Memorial has called a settled minister, the Rev, Jean Walstrom.  The First Unitarian Society of Ithaca has called the Rev. David Grimm as their settled minister. 





Our choir rehearses Sunday mornings starting at 9:30a.m.  On May 12th we will have our usual second Saturday of every month extended choir rehearsal from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.  Anyone interested in singing is welcome to join us.     


- Help treasurer with paying bills, trackinng donations, recording checks
- Pickup mail and sending tax receipts, etcc
- Assist with publicity: newspapers, TV, raadio
- Coordinate calendar and assist newsletterr person
- Other…
$10 per hour at 4 hours per week
If you are interested, please contact Chet Perkins or Winfield Ihlow.


BOARD PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE - Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !


We have much to be thankful for this month.  First, we give thanks to all of you who made our auction so successful ($3500+), those who donated merchandise and services, those of you who purchased items, the UU Circle members who helped organize the auction, and Mike Digiovanni who used his computer to keep track of all the donations and purchases.


Next, we give thanks to all of you who helped out on the Saturday painting project: John & Pam Landers, Kate Stanton, Bob Haskell, Dan, Cheryl, Corrine, & Chole Newman, Steve Garlow, Chet Perkins, Winfield Ihlow, and Joe Godfrey for the use of his 12 ft. ladder.  All of the painted rooms look soooo great!  Also a huge thank you goes out to Bob Haskell for spending dozens of hours in
going through our By-Laws and revising them for our future use.


Finally I'd like to thank all of you who served on our many committees, the executive board, and our paid professionals as well.  A special thanks to our Associate Minister Libby Stoddard for her many years of service to our church as a minister and religious educator.  We wish you well and will gladly welcome you as a guest speaker whenever it works out for you to be with us.

I will be stepping down as president so that I can focus my energy on preparing our home in Parish to sell and moving into another home that is more handicapped accessible (and seeking some weekend employment).


The nominating committee informs me that they are in need of a few good-hearted members to fill vacancies in the following positions:  President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Recording Secretary. The new Administrative Assistant should help lessen the load on all of these positions.  Also, I'll speak with Mary and Marcia of our Organizational Task force, to see if we can divide up the responsibilities of over-seeing the church committees equally between the President and Vice-President.  This will help reduce the stress on the President. Please give serious thought to volunteering for one of these positions.


                                                                                                                                 Best wishes to all for a wonderful Spring,
                                                                                                                                 Tim Hart


FYI - Arnie Hook informs me that Tony, the man that's working on repairing our doors, threw out his back and won't be able to start work on them for a while.  We may look into having someone else do the work, if he isn't able, in a reasonable amount of time.



We are very fortunate to have Dave Bennett, leader of Upstate NY IANDS (International Association of Near-Death Studies) give a talk about his near-death experiences on Sunday May 20.  Dave's talk will be after our regular Sunday Morning service and a light lunch will be provided.  There will be a question and answer period after the talk.  It will be a talk that you will never forget!
IANDS was formed in 1978 for the study of near death experiences and there are approximately 55 local groups world wide and 45 in the USA.  Near-death experiences are becoming more widely accepted.  There will be a panel discussion exploring the nature of near-death experiences and the latest research at the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly in June.


We would like to thank Ellen LaPine, Janie Garlow, Judy and George Tennant, Sandy Harned , Chris Squires and Nancy Hallock for serving as greeters and /or hostess at the coffee hour in April. Volunteers are needed for May. See Chet Perkins if you would like to help. Don't forget to give our guests and new members a warm welcome to our church and get to know them better during coffee hour.



Coffee and Chat will be held on May 16th at Paneras' on Rte. 31, Clay.  The women of the church will meet around 9:15 for goodies and conversation.  All women are invited.  Men are invited to meet at the same time.  Contact Chet Perkins for further information.  Women can contact Nancy Haskell for information.


The Video Discussion Group will meet at the church at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 11. The group will watch "Bill Moyers Journal: 'Buying the War'." This is the first program in a new PBS series by Moyers. The 90-minute documentary explores the role of the press in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq.



Thank you to everyone that donated to the auction and who purchased items this year.  You have all helped in making the auction a great success with an income of over three thousand dollars.   If you have not paid for your items yet, I would appreciate it if you would pay for it within the next few weeks, so that we can determine the profits from the auction and close the books on the auction.  A large portion of the money that is made from the auction is given directly to the church as a pledge to help pay church expenses.  Some of the funds go to flowers or gifts to those who are homebound or hospitalized and some goes to charitable donations.  If you cannot remember the amount that you owe or exactly what you bought, please let me know.
       Thank You,
       Ann Peterson, Secretary-Treasurer UU Circle



The Rev. Libbie Stoddard will be leading a "question box" sermon on May 20.  Have you ever wanted to know how (and when) Unitarian Universalist Ministers get trained?  What UU Christians and UU Atheists share?  Is there something else you've always wondered about?  Put you questions in the ??? box on the East Room table by May 13.



Our church is helping to sponsor an exciting workshop at First UU in Syracuse on Communications.  The presenter will be Christy Multer, District Consultant with expertise in this area.  Although originally planned for May it is now expected to be held in October or November.  If you would like to be part of a team going from Central Square, please contact Margaret Hart.  You can expect to learn information in the areas of media & public relations, publicity and marketing resources, publicizing our congregation on a limited budget, and the importance of our website.



We are establishing a Green Team to help us develop and organize strategies to adjust some of the operations of our church to ones that have a low impact on the environment and enhance the connection between our members and nature.  Do you have a personal interest or some knowledge or training in conserving energy, reduction of waste, socially responsible investing or the reduction of the use of toxic substances?  Are you someone who enjoys sharing knowledge and information with others and/or increasing your own knowledge in ways to live that nurture life and that build relationships with others and the earth?  Maybe you have a specific interest in nature, belong to an environmental organization or have read periodicals and books that you feel offer good information on environmental sustainability.  If any of these things interest you would you consider giving us a small amount of your time, knowledge and talent?  The greening of our church community will be an ongoing project involving everyone in the church and lead by a team comprised of people with many talents and interests.  Please contact Nancy Hallock, Janie Garlow, Ellen LaPine or Ann Peterson if you want to become involved in this fun and worthwhile endeavor.  Go to for more information on the Green Sanctuary Program.


13 Women, Karlene Faith, ed.

This is a series of brief autobiographical statements by women in Brazil, the US and Canada.  Most were jailed for drug and theft charges; a few, as a result of acts of what might be termed civil disobedience.  Reflections on the women's statements are given by Karlene Faith and Ann Near, noting, for instance, differences in treatment between men and women and length of prison term.  A particular concern for the women has to do with family issues, especially custody matters for their children.  Often the families of origin are fragmented or scattered, leading to ever-more painful decisions - if the mother has ever been given a say in the matter.  Poverty, race, formal education all have an effect on the length of prison terms and treatment in the prisons and treatment in the prisons.  The book leaves one with a lot of questions: obvious ones, about rehabilitation, justice and less obvious, how is prison life different for those women incarcerated for political reasons?  Who often had time to arrange family affairs, who knew that imprisonment was a likely event after public disobedience?  No answers, much thought.



Our Herkimer Diamond trip has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 12.  If you'd like to attend call Tim Hart at 439-2541 for details (same time & meeting place as before).
A member of our church, Jeff Packard, has offered to make boomerangs for a couple of lucky church members.  Several of us in the church have won Jeff's wonderful creations in the past and loved them.  He custom designs the boomerang for either long flights or lots of tricks (he can explain this better than I can) and teaches you how to throw it.  Jeff is employed as an engineer and enjoys creating boomerangs as a hobby.  Contact Tim Hart if you're interested in
owning one of these 2 boomerangs.


UU Church of Amherst - Williamsville, NY - 10 am - 4 pm - $10 per person.  Managing Risk in Our Congregations: Keeping Children and Youth Safe-A workshop for religious educators, ministers and other congregational leaders.

Services from the Saint Lawrence District Office and Staff are made possible only because congregations in our district make fair share contributions to the Saint Lawrence District and the UUA Annual Program Fund. Thank you for your generosity!



Each year we designate one Sunday in May to call attention to the St. Lawrence UU District's Chalice Lighters program.  This program was established in 1989 to support Unitarian Universalism by financially assisting congregations in their growth or development.  Since then more than thirty churches have been helped in such projects as establishing or improving meeting spaces, and financing intern, extension, or part-time ministry and RE leadership.  We received over $6000 in Chalice Lighter funds when we became handicapped accessible a few years ago.

How does this happen?  A Chalice Lighter is a special person who believes in Unitarian Universalism and agrees to respond with a pledged donation when the "call" comes.  The call goes out after a congregation has made a specific proposal to the district growth committee, and that proposal has been approved.  There are usually two requests during a fiscal year and all donations go to the congregations for which the call is made.

There are now over 700 Chalice Lighters in the District.  As each of these send in their pledge in response to a call the "light glows brighter".  We thank the 23 Chalice Lighters in our congregation, and we invite others to join us in helping "UUism" grow.
Brochures with registration forms are available at church, or contact me at 668-6719 or at with any questions.

                                                                                                                                              Mary Perkins, Chalice Lighter Ambassador




Our annual Congregational Meeting will be held immediately after the service on June 3.  All members are encouraged to attend to hear reports on what has happened during the previous year and to participate in the democratic process as we elect new Board officers and discuss other important church business.




On Thursday, May 31 there will be a screening of the movie, The Ground Truth at the Palace Theater. It will be followed by a panel discussion lead by Charlie Richardson and Nancy Lessin, Co-Founders of Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) and Kevin and Joyce Lucey, parents of Cpl. Jeffery Lucey whose story is featured in the film.  It is free and open to the public. Sponsored by our Social Justice Committee and MFSO.
Hear and witness the lives of our soldiers in this penetrating film.  The ground conflict is only a prelude to even more challenging battles they face when they return home.  The Ground Truth is one of only 15 films on the short list for the 2007 Academy Awards.  For more information on this important and moving film go to


Don't forget to send your articles for the June newsletter to Janie Garlow before noon on June 2 at  Earlier submissions will be appreciated.



Tuesdays:  *6:45 p.m. Chanting & Meditation (except May 8)
Wednesdays: * 6:47 p.m. Men's Group
May 10: *6:00 Planning Meeting for screening of The Ground Truth
May 11: *7:00 Video & Discussion Group
  *9:30 a.m. Extended Choir rehearsal. *4:30 p.m. Roast Beef Supper.
May 12: *Herkimer Diamond Trip.  *Noon - Chicken BBQ     
May 13: *Happy Mother's Day! *9:30 a.m.  Choir Practice.  *10:30 a.m. Worship service and pulpit exchange, Rev. Martha Munson of FUSS, *11:00 Religious Education.
May 16:    *9:15 a.m.  Coffee and Chat.
May 17: *Lifeline health screening by appointment at the church.
May 18: *6:00 p.m. Social Justice Committee Meeting.
May 19: *Roast Beef Dinner
 May 20: *9:00 a.m. RE Committee Meeting.  * 9:30 a.m.  Choir Practice. *10:30 a.m.
   Worship service, Rev. Libbie Stoddard.  *11:30 Presentation from Dave Bennett of IANDS. 
May 27: * 9:30 a.m.  Choir Practice. *10:30 a.m. Worship service, Rev. Libbie Stoddard. *11:00 a.m. Religious Education.
May 31: * Screening and Panel Discussion of The Ground Truth at the Palace Theater
June 2: *10:00 a.m. - noon.  Adult Religious Education, Rev. Libbie Stoddard & Ann Peterson, UU Principals and Purposes, *Noon - Newsletter Deadline. *Benefit golf tournament for Godfrey Scholarship, Joe Godfrey
June 3  *9:30 a.m.  Choir Practice. *10:30 a.m. Worship service, Rev. Margaret Hart. *11:00 a.m. Religious Education.*11:30 Annual Congregational Meeting.
June 24: *Flower Communion